Growth Mindset - The Power Of Yet
Carole Dweck, Jo Boaler, Robert Crosnoe, Jen Sincero. All of these people encourage growth mindset through their work. Carole Dweck is an American Psychologist. She is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Standford University. She is widely known for her work on growth mindset. When she talks about growth mindset she uses the term 'The Power Of Yet'. Carole Dweck found that we all have different beliefs about what we are capable of doing. She thinks children (And adults) with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort, persistence, trying different things, and learning from mistakes. She makes videos and performs to live audiences, talking about the growth mindset, and helping people to realize the power of yet.
A well constructed explanation Emily. Do you think you can apply her research to your own life? How can we encourage others to have a growth mindset.